How our CSAs work and pricing

We are on Winter Break!! Stay tuned for small changes to our programs and CSA's. We look forward to seeing you this year!

What is a CSA? It’s community-supported agriculture! It brings farmers and food buyers closer together by allowing the purchaser to subscribe to the farm or farms of their choosing. Knowing where our food comes from is a practice of self-love, self-care, and self-awareness. Our tiny farm focuses on late-season produce, herbs, and lean meats. This means we grow fun “bumper crops” like our cherries, that are available for a short time. Our fruits are typically ready from May to the first week in July with a break mid-summer. We resume in late summer/fall with our offering of apples, figs and pears. Meat rabbits and pet rabbits are available year-round, depending on what you’re looking for and we often have Coturnix quail. Patrons can order ahead for the upcoming season. Expect the meat to come frozen and vacuum-sealed. Rabbits weigh about 8-12 pounds and quail weigh anywhere from about 9-12 ounces. If you’ve never had quail before, you’re in for a treat. The meat is sweet and juicy. We’re happy to offer recipe suggestions!

Our CSA Terms and Policy:

Peacock House Oregon promises to tend your harvest year-round. We will seed, plant, raise, nurture and harvest your food for the shareholder for the months leading up to the day it’s time to pick up your CSA. Each season we work very hard to make sure everything comes to fruition and make wintertime preparations for the spring and summer months of growth ahead. Fresh and healthy food is what we want for you and in return, we have some expectations of members.

CSA Member Responsibilities: Peacock House Oregon has a no-contact pickup system in place. We are currently not set up for delivery of large orders for the general public. CSA members will receive notice when their share is ready for pick up. To make sure you receive the best produce and meats, be prompt in retrieving your share on the day and time that has been arranged. Members can also arrange for someone else to pick up shares in their stead. If a share is not picked up on time, it will be considered unclaimed and will be donated or distributed elsewhere.

If you need to pick up your share outside of the arranged day and time, contact us one week in advance and we will attempt to find a new time that works. This must be done in writing and Peacock House will presume this is a “one-time” change for the week in question.

If you are running late to pick up your share, please let us know. It is much easier for us to get you your share than to change plans last minute. However, if you are not able to pick up your weekly or seasonal share, then it will be considered unclaimed and will be donated.

Vacation and Holiday Policy: Peacock House understands the importance of taking time for yourself. We allow one vacation week hold on your share. That means members can give our farm notice in writing that a vacation will be coming up and we’ll add your weekly share to the following week’s pick-up. Members can also arrange for that week’s share to go to another household OR to a non-profit of Peacock House Oregon’s choosing. We are really into Beaverton Free Food Project, check them out here:

Harvest Expectancy Policy: Members must acknowledge that there is always a possibility that crops can go bad for reasons beyond our control. We have a diversity of late-season fruits and offerings at Peacocks House in anticipation of this so there is something to supplement your share. We have also taken precautions to protect our quarter-acre property from the now expected fire season in the pacific northwest. There are no refunds for your CSA at Peacock House Oregon however you and cancel at any time or transfer your CSA to someone else.


Rabbits and quail Quarterly

Our New Zealand meat rabbits average anywhere from 5-10 Ibs. Meat orders are by season or quarterly instead of weekly starting November/December and meant to last for three months. If you’re interested in quail, please ask about the availability.

Option 1: “The New to Buns Package” 3 rabbits (any where from 8-15 lbs of meat) for $150.00-$300 depending on poundage. The current rate for rabbit is about $7.00 a Ib.

Option 2: “Bun Me” 8 rabbits, (about 40 lbs of meat) for $450


seasonal and WEekly fruit

Our Bing, Ranier, and Queen Anne cherries are a fun way to celebrate spring and get into summer just as the weather starts heating up. They typically run May-the the first week of July and can be added to your regular share plan.

We also offer two kinds of figs, two kinds of pears and four kinds of apples. Our regular fruit shares begin in August/September and go through October/November. Members can expect 2 lbs of each kind of fruit in each week’s share.

Regular weekly shares are $60

Cherry share add-ons are $20 weekly. They are also available by the pint. Please inquire.

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Front door No contact pick up

Peacock House Oregon only allows 6 patrons at the farm at a time. All harvests are handled with Oregon safety measures taken seriously into consideration. Staff and volunteers, mask up, socially distance, and use sanitizer. When members are contacted about when their CSA is ready via email, there will be instructions as to how to enter the farm and where to retrieve shares. Our farm is continually thinking about how to best serve our community and keep everyone healthy.